Happilac white bond have all the characteristics which makes it suitable for use on interior and exterior
surfaces ranging from residential to heavy commercial and industrial applications. It can be used for both
wall and floor applications. It is made for bonding of most types of both porous and non porous ceramic tiles,
porcelain, mosaic, natural stone, marble and granite tiles etc. It also posses the unique advantage that,after
application , no discoloration of tiles or marble stone occurs.
Apply Happilac White bond evenly with a
6mm×6mm notched trowel for tile up to 150 ×
150mm and for larger tiles use a 12×12mm notched
trowel. Lay the tiles with good pressure, twisting to
ensure good contact with adhesive. In more
demanding exterior situations or if tiles with high
ribs or lugs or being used , it is preferable to back
buttering on the tiles with a thin layer of adhesive in
addition to the adhesive being troweled onto
the substrate, before laying. For wall tiling, a
minimum final bed thickness of 5 mm is
recommended, whilst for floor tiling a minimum
final bed thickness of 7 mm is recommended.
CAUTION: Scrapping/sanding off previously cemented surfaces may release dust or fumes
which are highly toxic; take protective measures thoroughly when rubbing off the old surfaces.
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